Tag: Pakistan
Pakistan was a created state by the British, in 1949, when they conquered India but couldn’t conquer Afghanistan ie the Pashtun tribes of southeast Afghanistan and what is today, northwest Pakistan. The Brits also destroyed the culture and belief systems of the Hindus and Muslims that they ruled, until these two groups turned on each other and a bloodbath ensued. Then, the Brits took a map and created the Durand Line (by a man named Durand) from north to south effectively dividing the Pashtuns from the Pakhtuns. This is how Pakistan “land of the pure” was created separating Muslims from India and the Hindus. Today, the majority of Hindus live in India and the Muslims in Pakistan. The Afghans always looked down on the Pakistanis saying they sold their culture and language to the British by speaking English and adopting British ways. The Afghans pride themselves by speaking the “true speech” of Pashto “that has not been polluted” with Dari (Farsi) or English.